Express Hajj Packages 2025 from Dhaka, Bangladesh
Express - Hajj Package, 35 days
- Hotel in Makkah(Distance 400 Mtr from Haram Sharif) & Madinah(300 mthr)
- Meals (3 Times)
- Sharing Room (4 Persons)
- Excluding Kurbani
Our Express Shifting Hajj Package Includes
The hajjis are always moved from one apartment to another providing habitation away from Haram during the top days of Hajj in shifting Hajj packages and then bringing them close to Haram when Hajj days are over.
Most favorite from shifting hajj packages
Pilgrims leave Bangladesh for Jeddah. From Jeddah, they are shifted to apartment name. Here the hajjis wait for about 5/6 nights with a possible shuttle service to Haram. On 7th Zill-Hajj the group will be taken to Mina for the 5 days of Hajj. After Hajj pilgrims will be got back into the apartments and stay there for further 3 days. Then moved into the 5-star hotels facing Haram. Pilgrims will stay in these hotels for the days allocated to their group. Then depart for Madinah and then fly for home.
Advantages of shifting Hajj package
- It costs premium
- Accommodation is very near to Haram during the Hajj days (8th & 13th Dhul Hijjah)
- Access to the hotel and extra facilities in shifting Hajj packages during Hajj days.
- It offers an opportunity to prepare for the Hajj
- Transport is available at all times for visiting Masjid-Al-Haram which is roughly 3 miles away.
We would be delighted to provide you with an exceptional Hajj experience Please contact us today so that we may assist you in joining the best hajj group.
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Feel free to send us a message. You will get package details from us within a very short time! In Sha Allah.