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Can I perform Umrah on behalf of someone else?
Can I perform Umrah on behalf of someone else? This question often arises for those wishing to support loved ones who are unable to make the journey themselves. In Islam, it is permissible under certain conditions, but it’s important to understand the guidelines and intentions required for this act.
Whether due to age, illness, or other circumstances, performing Umrah for someone else can be a profound expression of love and devotion. This write-up will explore the details you need to know.

Umrah on behalf of a deceased person
Performing Hajj or Umrah on behalf of a deceased person is permissible. Likewise, Tawaf and all other good deeds can be performed on their behalf. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (R.A) stated that if anyone performs a good deed and dedicates its reward to a living or deceased person, they will benefit from it.
In hadith, جاء رجل إلى النبي ﷺ فقال: يا رسول الله، إن أبي شيخ كبير لا يستطيع الحج ولا الظعن، أفأحج عنه وأعتمر؟ قال: حج عن أبيك واعتمر، فلا بأس أن يحج عنه
A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said: O Messenger of God, my father is an old man who is unable to perform Hajj or travel. Should I perform Hajj and Umrah on his behalf? He said: Perform Hajj and Umrah on your father’s behalf. There is nothing wrong with him performing Hajj on his behalf.
Making dua for the deceased is considered better than simply dedicating rewards. The evidence for this is found in the saying of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “When a person dies, all of their deeds cease except for three:
- Ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah).
- Beneficial Islamic knowledge.
- A righteous child who prays for them.
In this hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not say that a righteous child who performs acts of worship reads the Quran, prays, performs Umrah, or fasts on their behalf is sufficient. Instead, he emphasized the first two types of deeds.
If the intention were solely to perform acts of worship for the deceased, the Prophet (peace be upon him) would certainly have mentioned, “And a righteous child who performs good deeds for them.”
Nevertheless, if a person performs a good deed and dedicates its reward to someone else, it is permissible.
Umrah on behalf of a disabled or sick person
Performing Umrah on behalf of a disabled or sick person is permissible in Islam, provided certain conditions are met. Scholars agree that if a person has an incurable disability or a chronic illness that prevents them from undertaking Umrah themselves, a relative or someone close to them may perform the pilgrimage on their behalf.
However, the individual performing the Umrah must already complete their own pilgrimage. Additionally, the sick or disabled person should ideally delegate the task, signifying their consent for the act to be carried out in their name.
The process for performing Umrah remains the same, with the primary difference being the intention. The person performing Umrah should make a sincere intention to fulfill the obligation for the one they are representing. This practice not only benefits the person who cannot perform Umrah but also embodies the principles of compassion and solidarity within the community.

Umrah on behalf of someone else who is alive
Performing Umrah on behalf of a living person is permissible under specific conditions in Islam.
- It is allowed if the individual is unable to undertake the pilgrimage due to chronic illness or disability, provided that the person performing Umrah has already completed it for themselves.
- However, it is not permissible for a person who is able to perform Umrah to delegate it to someone else; rather, such a person should perform their own Umrah.
How to do Umrah for someone else?
Learn the steps and rituals to perform Umrah on behalf of someone else, ensuring spiritual fulfillment and respect for their intentions:
- Make the intention (Niyyah): Before starting the Umrah, you must make a sincere intention in your heart. You don’t need to verbally express this; simply affirm in your heart, "O Allah, I am performing this Umrah on behalf of [name of the person, e.g., my mother, father, etc.]".
- Performing Umrah steps:
- Ihram: Enter the state of Ihram from a designated Miqat. Make the niyyah (intention) for Umrah and recite the Talbiyah: "Labbayk Allahumma Umrah."
- Tawaf: Upon reaching the Kaaba, perform Tawaf by circling it seven times in a counterclockwise direction, starting from the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad).
- Sa’i: After Tawaf, perform Sa’i by walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah.
- Shaving/Cutting hair: Conclude the Umrah by shaving your head (for men) or cutting a portion of hair (for women).
Are you planning to perform Umrah on behalf of others?
Holy Hajj & Umrah Bangladesh is the best Umrah agency in Bangladesh, providing all essential services and amenities for pilgrims from Bangladesh. Many pilgrims have already performed Umrah smoothly and perfectly with our agency. If you're wondering, "Can I perform Umrah on behalf of someone else?" the answer is yes! Call them 01844-509199 now to receive proper guidance.
Frequently asked questions and answers
What is the process for performing Umrah on behalf of someone else?
The process involves making the intention (niyyah) to perform Umrah for that person, completing the rituals of Umrah, and reciting their name during the pilgrimage. It's advisable to consult with an Umrah agency for detailed guidance.
Is there any specific prayer or du’a to recite while performing Umrah on someone else's behalf?
While performing Umrah, it is recommended to make du'a for the person you are representing. You can also recite any specific prayers that are meaningful to you or the person.
Do I need to inform the agency that I am performing Umrah for someone else?
Yes, it's essential to inform the Umrah agency that you are performing the pilgrimage on behalf of someone else, as they may require specific details and intentions to assist you properly.
Are there any conditions that must be met for performing Umrah on someone else's behalf?
The primary condition is that the person for whom you are performing Umrah should have not already completed their pilgrimage. Additionally, you should ensure that you are able to perform the rituals correctly and with sincere intentions.